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Trans Trudeau government aide beat 12-year-old girl for title of fastest female

Post Mill reports

A trans-identified male aide to outgoing Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth has been revealed to have defeated a 12-year-old girl for the title of "fastest female" in a 2024 Ontario road race. The aide, Nathanielle Morin, has since defended competing in the women's division, saying that it's at the "amateur level."

According to the Daily Mail, Morin won an Ontario 5km road race, which took place in February 2024, competing in the 30-39-year-old female category and finishing with a time of 25 minutes and 32 seconds. The second-fastest runner across all age brackets that day was 12-year-old Saoirse Hoogenraad, who ran the race in 26 minutes and eight seconds.

Within Morin's age bracket, the second-fastest runner was Maude Bisson, who finished with a time of 31 minutes and 16 seconds, five minutes and 44 seconds slower than Morin...

"For me, running is meditation, therapy and self-improvement. I am aware that my participation in so many competitions is and will be talked about because of my medical history. The situation in the United States and the comments of certain politicians do not help either," Morin continued. Earlier in February, President Donald Trump signed an executive order barring biological males from female sports at schools that receive federal funding. Morin said after the order signing, "Exclusion and discrimination should not be the answer to transwomen in sport."

Morin continued in the Saturday statement, "With all due respect to the level I compete at (amateur recreational), the state of scientific research in the field (for the amateur recreational level), and the fact that I have undergone a medical transition, I consider that I have the legitimacy to participate in the right category, unless the law prohibits me from doing so."

Photo Credit Trudeau Gay Parade Youtube