Rick Levine Leaves Office Claiming He's an Admiral, a Woman

Dr. Rick Levine, who likes to go by 'Rachel' and 'Admiral', and was made Assistant Health Secretary and an admiral by the Biden administration (which still couldn't make him a woman) was deemed worthy of a high-profile exit interview at Politico since he will now leave office to pursue whatever it is men in admiral and female drag do.
He did defend the transgendering of kids and also blamed the California fires on "climate change."
One delusion follows another.
But the good news is that under identity politics, there is a right for delusional people to not only be deluded, but to force other people to accept their delusions.
Rick kept repeating that he was an "optimistic and positive person" the way Kamala claimed she was raised in a middle-class family.
Asked about states restricting the transgender mutilation of children, Rick said that he was "a positive and optimistic person". Asked about HHS reforms, Rick also claimed that. "I can't comment on the next administration overall. I remain a positive and optimistic person, but I choose to do that because I think that that's how the work gets done."
Rick may not have been a plausible woman, but he makes a plausible Kamala.
In conclusion, Rick told Politico that, "I'm going to go home to Central Pennsylvania. I'm going to take a long nap, rest and center myself, and then I'm going to consider what my next steps are."
The question is does he get to keep the admiral costume?