Supreme Court to decide: The How and Why of Preventing Childhood Pornography Exposure

PUBLIC ADVOCATE is the only national non-profit group that, together with then-candidate Donald Trump, defended Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton when globalists attempted to prevent him from defending age restrictions on pornography directed at children. Former president George Bush and his entire army of globalist and RINO puppets staged a phoney impeachment trial without notice. Public Advocate defended Paxton using our social media and email contacts overnight. The Texas Senate found Paxton innocent and Paxton immediately worked to limit pornography directed at children. Texas age restrictions are now being heard at the U.S. Supreme Court and Public Advocate has a legal brief filed in support of outlawing pornographers over the objections of their RINO friends," says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate.
Delgaudio says "Thanks to the thousands of Texas patriots who responded to my plea to support Paxton, we have a champion at the Supreme Court to uphold age restrictions on pornography directed at children by sick perverted monsters."
Marco (pseudonym) was 11 years old when he was first exposed to pornography. He watched pornography whenever he got the chance, even at school and in other public places. As a young man, he mimicked what he saw in pornography by pretending to have sex with a prostituted woman.
As time went by, he started watching and listening to more extreme pornography. Pornography users often feel the need to increase the intensity of pornography they watch in order to get the same sexual arousal. Eventually Marco felt he needed something even more intense, so he visited an erotic massage business, went to many strip clubs, and hung around brothels.
After over a decade of this, Marco realized he was addicted to pornography and wanted to quit using it. It's not surprising that he became addicted; he encountered it for the first time at 11 years old, and adolescents' brains are more susceptible to addictions and other developmental effects than an adult's brain would be.
Marco is only one example of a child who was exposed to pornography, and how that led to a lifetime of addiction and participating in sexual exploitation.
......................Since pornography use leads to so many other forms of sexual abuse and exploitation, and early pornography exposure is common among people who have sexually offended, it makes sense to go straight to the root of these problems by preventing pornography exposure in the first place.
NCOSE is dedicated to going to the root of problems and preventing harm for as many people as possible. We call this strategy "mass-scale prevention." Mass-scale prevention of sexual exploitation requires preventing exposure to pornography, especially among children.
2) Age verification legislation requires pornography websites to verify users are over 18. In the same way that a person buying a pornographic magazine or DVD must show proof that they are over 18, we must bring these same protections to the online world.â¯Accurate and privacy-protective methods of age verification already exist. You can learn more about these methods here.