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Meta Engineer Admits Facebook Demotes Anti-Kamala Harris Posts

Breitbart reports:


James O’Keefe claims that a Meta engineer admitted in a candid interview with an undercover journalist with O’Keefe Media Group that Facebook demotes anti-Kamala Harris posts.

Jeevan Gyawali, a senior software engineer with Meta, appeared to reveal in a hidden camera interview that accounts posting anti-Kamala Harris content could be shadowbanned while the posts get demoted.

“Say your uncle in Ohio said something about Kamala Harris is unfit to be a president because she doesn’t have a child, that kind of shit is automatically demoted,” Gyawali appeared to say in the heavily edited video. 

Gyawali also appeared to say that the person “would not be notified,” which translates into a shadowban. The poster’s engagement and impressions would likely decrease. He also appeared to talk about Meta’s “Integrity Team” controlling content through something allegedly called “civic classifiers – a system meant to shadowban users.