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Bloody Butchers Cut Up Over 13,900 U.S. Kids with Damaging Sex Change Treatments


Between 2019 and 2023, over 13,900 American kids received LGBTQ "sex change" treatments, temporarily or permanently damaging their growing bodies. U.S. leftists are really giving Moloch worshippers a run for their money on child sacrifice.

The medical advocacy group Do No Harm announced a groundbreaking database Oct. 8, the Stop the Harm Database, to record and expose the number of surgeries and "treatments" provided in the U.S. to kids that encourage the lie that people can change their biological sex. "With the launch of the Stop the Harm Database, Do No Harm is building on our mission to expose the dangers of experimental pediatric gender medicine and bring the practice to an end," the group's Chairman Dr. Stanley Goldfarb stated.

It is significant that the "transgender" surgery industry has been projected to reach up to a $5 billion value by the end of the decade. As Rush Limbaugh would say, follow the money.

From the Do No Harm accouncement:

Key National Findings (2019 to 2023):

13,994 children received sex change related treatments

5,747 sex change surgeries performed on children

62,682 hormone and puberty blockers prescriptions written for 8,579 pediatric patients.

At least $119,791,202 made from sex change treatments performed on minors

These numbers are just scratching the surface of how widespread these practices truly are.

Photo Credit Butchers Movie Youtube Not Directly Related