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Public Advocate Survey Shows 96 Per Cent of Americans Do Not Trust Secret Service


"Its raining in Washington, D.C. today and our full population survey of one million Americans on our our 24 social media platforms show a thunderstorm of condemnation for the U.S. Secret Service," says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate.

Delgaudio says:

Public Advocate surveyed over one million on paid advertisements on several social media platforms and here are the results from one million responses, said Delgaudio.

96% of Surveyed Americans have Answered that they DO NOT TRUST THE SECRET SERVICE. 4% are Unsure -- 0% Answered Yes.

1. Do you Trust the Secret Service to Protect President Trump?
96% Answered: NO
2. Do you think the current leadership of the Secret Service is properly leading the agency?
96% Answered: NO
3. Do you Trust the Secret Service and the FBI to honestly investigate what went wrong at Butler and Palm Beach?

96% Answered: NO
4. Do you believe that the heads of the FBI and the Secret Service are telling us the truth about the assassination attempt?
96% Answered: NO
Delgaudio has posted on 24 Public Advocate social media platforms:
" This survey shows Congress that the Secret Service doesn't need more funding, President Trump needs new emergency Protection. Please Vote to Fund an Independent Trump Security and Protection Team, " Delgaudio posted to 100,000 subscribers on various platforms.

If any Members of Congress would like to see the signed surveys, they can contact Public Advocate for all that information.