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Delgaudio: Stop Trump Shootings Now

For immediate release: September 18 2024

"The constant parade of shooters attempting to kill Republican Donald Trump has to stop now. This will not end well for America if Americans in charge of protecting Trump continue to ignore their job of simply preventing shooters from taking target practice or waiting for an opportunity for 12 hours as in the 2nd shooter, " says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate.

FULL STATEMENT for Immediate Release September 18 2024.


Eugene Delgaudio said to his supporters:

"Just two days ago, President Trump once again narrowly avoided being killed by an assassin's bullet.

And as much as I hate being right, I warned the nation just days before that another attempt on the former president was imminent.

Once again the Secret Service security plan failed to create and maintain a proper perimeter around Trump - this time while he was golfing at his own range in Florida.

A deranged Leftwing activist was able to set up a sniper's nest and wait for 12 hours with a scoped AK-47 until Trump was in easy range.

It has been reported that he was only moments away from taking his first shot when a Secret Service agent noticed the barrel of the rifle poking out of the foliage.

Ryan Routh - the alleged assassin - is in custody now, and the crazy details are pouring out.

This man has all the earmarks of a mercenary hired to eliminate Trump.

He's obsessed with the Ukraine war, has been interviewed by Mainstream Media and even appeared in a commercial for Ukraine.

The Acting Director of the Secret Service has tried to claim that the Secret Service protection plan for Trump was a success - since Routh didn't actually pull the trigger at Trump.

No Mr. Rowe, a successful operation would be preventing an armed assassin from once again setting up in the most obvious spot and nearly killing the former president!

I listened to the shameful news conference by the Sheriff of Palm Beach, Ric Bradshaw, and his stunning -- possibly criminal - admissions of incompetence.

In that press conference, we clearly saw exhibited a local county sheriff with a lack of interest in doing his job to protect Donald Trump.

He actually tried to argue that since Trump isn't the "sitting president" this is all the protection he deserves!

At minimum, after 20 years in office, Bradshaw may be too cozy or complicit with obvious federal directives to leave Trump unprotected.

The Secret Service leadership is either unable or unwilling to properly protect Trump - so I say it is high time for Congress to act, " Delgaudio said.