Mark Zuckerberg Declares He will delete all conservatives from now on

"Mark Zuckerberg refuses to acknowledge the destruction and devastation of conservative voices on his META platform anymore, so expect a mass deletion of conservative voices from the social media giant, " says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate.
Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg declared at a recent event that his days of apologizing are over. The Facebook founder attempted to blame conservatives themselves for the rampant censorship on his platforms, stating, "When it's a political problem& there are people operating in good faith who are identifying a problem and want something to be fixed, and there are people who are just looking for someone to blame."
TechCrunch reports that in a packed Chase Center in San Francisco, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg took the stage for a conversation with the hosts of the Acquired podcast. Sporting a new look with long curly hair, a gold chain, and a custom-designed t-shirt reading "learning through suffering" in Greek, Zuckerberg joked that he might need to schedule his next appearance to apologize for whatever he was about to say. However, he quickly clarified that he was kidding and that, in fact, his apologizing days are behind him.