Defending the family

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" A simple ceremony to honor the fallen victims of the Afghan war where a former president participates at the request of the families of the war dead is descecrated by insane triggered government workers who hate the military, Trump and anyone mentioning their names in memory," says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate.


Gold Star Families Step In After Arlington Officials Point Finger at Trump Campaign Over 'Incident' During Visit

It's turning into a war of words - and the Gold Star families are firmly on former President Donald Trump's side.

Details of a reported confrontation between members of the Trump campaign and an Arlington National Cemetery official on Monday remain hazy, but one thing is clear:

The families of the fallen American service members at the heart of the dispute are supporting Trump.

The public controversy kicked off on Tuesday, when the notably liberal NPR reported that a "verbal and physical altercation" had broken out between "Trump staffers" and an Arlington official who tried to prevent them from recording a Trump visit to graves in the national cemetery as part of ceremonies marking the third anniversary of 13 American deaths in Kabul, Afghanistan.

The report cited a "source with knowledge of the incident" - almost certainly an Arlington employee or someone close to an employee. On Tuesday, Arlington National Cemetery confirmed that an "incident" had taken place, and added an explanation that appeared to point the finger at the Trump campaign for starting it.

"Federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries, to include photographers, content creators or any other persons attending for purposes, or in direct support of a partisan political candidate's campaign," the statement said, according to NBC.

Trump campaign communications director Steven Cheung fired back with a social media post that includes a statement that appears to give permission for Trump to have a photographer present for the occasion.

"We were granted access to have photographer there," he wrote.

And on Tuesday, the Trump campaign posted a statement to social media from five family members of two of the fallen - Marine Staff Sgt. Darin "Taylor" Hoover and Marine Sgt. Nicole Gee.

The statement was unqualified in its support for Trump and the presence of recording devices for his visit to the area of the cemetery where the remains of the casualties from Afghanistan are interred - known as Section 60.

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