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Public Advocate's CEO Eugene Delgaudio Practiced TRUMPISM Before Trumpism

"Donald Trump is on the ballot this year again and while Public Advocate is non-partisan we do regularly communicate which of the major party candidates for President, the Senate, Congress and anywhere else who stand for our values or openly oppose our stated issue based policy positions, " says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate.

"Having said that it is a great honor to be personaly compared to the Trump style of confrontation and standing firmly for one's beliefs and principles. Thank you for Jeff Schapiro for his recognition years ago favorably comparing my style of political street theater to Trumpism. Schapiro was speaking to the Loudoun Chamber of Commerce before Donald Trump took office in his first term. Schapiro explained Trumpism to the business group. Its still the most concise recognition of both myself and Donald Trump's style even today. Thank you Jeff Schapiro of the Richmond Times Dispatch for that, " said Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate.

Delgaudio Statement Acknowledging Recognition at Loudoun Chamber of Commerce

"Loudoun political and business leaders got together to hear some senior political reporters and academics at a recent forum discuss state and national domination by Republicans and other topics.

As early as 1982, the Washington Post and other major publications began reporting on the regular grass roots political activities I organized. Thank you to Mr. Shapiro for first reporting on my work at the 1988 Republican National Convention with the effort to nominate Ronald Reagan for Vice-president of the United States which had majority support on the record before then Vice president George Bush nominated Senator Dan Quayle.

Mr. Shapiro also interviewed me on my work at the 2016 Republican National Convention. So as far as consistent fair and balanced professional journalism there is no one reporter serving longer or more widely known political journalist hence Schapiro earns the title "Icon". For him to favorably compare me to Donald Trump's confrontational style is a great honor which others unfairly refuse to either comprehend or remember. He, and Sterling, Virginia voters for 16 years who voted for me to represent them and most fair minded people in both parties throughout Virginia and the USA, get it." said Eugene Delgaudio.



Loudoun Now Actual Published Edition in Video Format, Pages 5 and Six


"Much the morning's panel discussion centered around lawmakers crippled by partisanship-in Richmond and Washington-and the chances for finding middle ground in a political sphere characterized by partisanship and "Trumpism."

"Loudoun County is accustomed to shock and awe candidates-after all, you elected (former Sterling supervisor) Eugene Delgaudio as supervisor," Schapiro said. "Some of us remember when Eugene was standing on street corners, literally, protesting against Democratic candidates, so maybe Eugene was onto something in terms of politics as theater."

County Chairwoman Phyllis J. Randall (D-At Large) asked the panelists, Schapiro and George Mason University Professor Toni-Michelle C. Travis, if there was a national voice for moderation. Neither seemed optimistic.................


Jeff Schapiro on Twitter X

Schapiro: Chaos over House control reflects the divided Virginia

Schapiro: Chaos over House control reflects the divided Virginia