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Congress Issues Report on Biden Corruption To Restore America's Standing

The Federalist reports:

...............The nearly 300-page report nonetheless matters for many reasons, the most important of which is to restore America's standing in the world.

Over more than 150 pages, the House's impeachment report establishes that Joe Biden conspired with his family members and their business partners to monetize his position as vice president. In exchange for access to then-Vice President Biden, foreign individuals and entities gave various Biden family members and their friends more than $27 million-some of those proceeds passed directly on to the Big Guy.

Those generalities fail to adequately capture the audacity of the conspiracy, or the harm to our country caused by Biden announcing through his conduct that the United States of America can be bought. Four specific payoffs crystallize both.

Large Foreign Payments While Obama's Vice President

First, as the House report details, in early 2014, while Barack Obama's vice president Biden attended a birthday party for Hunter Biden with Russian oligarch Yelena Baturina. Baturina is the wife of the former mayor of Moscow. The United States had accused him of heading a "pyramid of corruption" involving the Kremlin. Ten days later, Baturina transferred $3.5 million to Hunter Biden-connected businesses.

In May 2014, Joe Biden spoke with Baturina by phone, with the then-vice president telling her, "You be good to my boy," and Hunter responding, "Everything is good, and we're moving ahead." Less than a week later, an email memorialized the Russian oligarch committing to investing $10-$20 million in an investment firm in which Hunter Biden had an interest.

Further, as the House report noted, "neither the Obama nor Biden Administrations placed Ms. Baturina on the sanctions list even though both administrations substantially increased sanctions against Russian oligarchs due largely to Russia's invasions of Crimea and Ukraine during their respective terms."

Big Romanian Payoffs While Decrying Corruption

A second concrete example of Joe Biden selling out our country comes from Romania. In May 2014, during an official visit to Romania, then-Vice President Biden delivered a speech to the Romanian prime minister, judges, prosecutors, and leaders of the parliament speaking of the cancer of corruption, proclaiming it a "cancer that eats away at a citizen's faith in democracy."