Defending the family

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"The major professional medical association, The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) has quietly rejected the current concensus in the United States on the issue of gender-transistion care for minors. Actually nobody was ever actually asked by any living reporter or groups never responded to public questions for years so this is very bad news for the corrupt malpractice of transgender surgeons performing these surgeries", says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate.

Newsmax, Manhattan Institute City Journal and Matt Walsh deserve credit as they discuss this in recent days but we give full credit to Chloe Cole who filed the first law suit against her insane doctors and hospital that lied to her and performed an attrocity on her and many other victims.

City Paper reports that the standard for performing such optional surgeries is what is the concensus for the proper procedure in the medical field. Since no one ever bothered asking or publishing their opinion until now, there was never any consensus which proves malpractice.

In any case, going forward the liability could be $5 million to $10 million per medical surgery that the surgeons and institutions could have to pay in each incident of malpractice.

Public Advocate has predicted and promoted detransitioner Chloe Coles story, agreed with her that transgender surgery on children is a monstrosity before we ever met Chole Cole. And now many others are coming to the same conclusion, there is no medical accepted practice for butchering children with irreversible surgery, " says Delgaudio.

The Washington Examiner reports:

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons has become the first major association of medical professionals to break with the American medical establishment's consensus that gender transitions for children are appropriate for treating gender dysphoria.

According to a report released Monday by the Manhattan Institute, ASPS acknowledged "considerable uncertainty as to the long-term efficacy for the use of chest and genital surgical interventions" and "the existing evidence base is viewed as low quality/low certainty."

IMDB posts:

Matt Walsh discusses how the supposed consensus supporting "gender-affirming care" has collapsed. He explains that a major medical organization, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), recently admitted they do not endorse these procedures, and the evidence supporting them is considered "low quality." Walsh criticizes the media and politicians for perpetuating the false narrative that there is widespread agreement among medical professionals on this issue. He highlights how this false consensus has been used to silence dissent and how the truth is only now beginning to emerge, revealing significant uncertainty about the efficacy of these treatments for minors.