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Hateful Star of Disgusting Olympics Last Supper tableau threatens to sue

"This anti-Christian activist takes center stage in an Anti-Christian production broadcast worldwide and now wants to track down everybody who was a critic now who panned her performance," says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate. "This is pure absurdity piled on crap," says Delgaudio, and "No law suit can solve the negative reaction of Christendom to this assault."

National Post reports:

A storm of outrage about the Paris Olympics' opening ceremony took a legal turn Tuesday, with a DJ who performed at the show saying her lawyer is filing complaints over a torrent of threats and other abuse that the LGBTQ+ icon has suffered online in the ceremony's wake.

Barbara Butch's lawyer said in a letter posted to the DJ's Instagram that Butch "has been threatened with death, torture and rape, and has also been the target of numerous anti-Semitic, homophobic, sexist and grossophobic insults." Butch's agent confirmed to The Associated Press that the Instagram account is the DJ's........................

Trump, in the United States, said Monday he thought it was "a disgrace."

"I'm very open-minded," the former president and current Republican nominee told Fox News host Laura Ingraham, who specifically asked about comparisons to "The Last Supper," "but I thought what they did was a disgrace."

French Catholic bishops and others were among those who said Christians had been hurt and offended. Paris Olympics organizers have said there was "never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group" and that the intent was to "celebrate community tolerance."

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Video Discussion on Announcement of Legal Action