Defending the family

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Media Are Waging An All-Out War On Pro-family J.D. Vance

Vance believes that the tax burden should be lighter on young parents, who are rearing the next generation of social capital.

The Federalist reports:

..........Fearful of losing their grip on the party, the editors of The Wall Street Journal (along with anonymous GOP-establishment backbiters) joined the corporate media and Kamala Harris' desperate campaign in smearing Ohio's junior senator the last two weeks......

The Journal admonished the combat Marine for disrespecting "people who make different life choices," even as his admitted sarcasm was limited to a few Democrats currently running the country, surely fair game during election season. Indeed, as Vance explicitly clarified in another venue at the same time, he was not disparaging childless women in general, including those who may not long to wed and bear children, or those who struggle to conceive..................

Yet Vance's real offense, per the Wall Street-K Street axis of power: his belief that the tax burden should be lighter on young parents but relatively heavier on their peers who are not rearing the next generation of social capital, a position that free-market fundamentalists find appalling. ....

In attacking Vance, the Harris campaign has now effectively called for repealing the child tax credit, while gaining the financial backing of billionaires who want Harris, if she wins, to fire Federal Trade Commission Chair Lina Khan for restoring antitrust enforcement and to cease the Biden's administration continuation of Trump's tariffs. Sounds strikingly similar to the GOP's old-guard agenda.

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