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Video: Tennessee Electoral Board Threatens to Shoot Public Advocate Vice President

Video: Mark Clayton To Be Shot On Sight by Tennessee Election Board


CLAYTON IS IN FEDERAL COURT SINCE THIS ATTROCITY Clayton v. Hogan et al (3:22-cv-00936), Tennessee Middle District Court

News Release: For Immediate Release Monday August 5th, 2024, 10 AM EST




First the (Tennessee Registry of Election Finance Board) interrupted Mark's speaking period.

Then they accused Mark of calling their office the day before and making violent threats - threats they later clarified were nothing more than "hot language."

But they used these alleged threats as grounds to have a police officer standing by just to arrest Mr. Clayton.

And once they got him somewhat worked up by their interruptions and unsubstantiated accusations, they declared him to be unruly and summoned the officer to arrest Mark.

Even after he left the room, they continued to discuss him at length until they stated on the record their desire to shoot and kill him!

Let me be clear, despite their faked confusion, these board members knew all about Mark.

They prepared an ambush for him that night because he is the Vice President of Public Advocate and has helped you and I destroy the power of the Homosexual Lobby in the state of Tennessee.

They want revenge.

The last few years, Tennessee has set the standard for passing pro-Family bills to protect children from the "transgender" and radical Homosexual Agendas.

All due to the hard work we started there over a decade ago.

Our work in Tennessee was so critical in disrupting the plans of the Homosexual Lobby that the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) added us to their "Hate Group List" that year.

And as a direct result of that bullseye they painted on us, they inspired the crazed homosexual gunman - Floyd Lee Corkins -- to attempt to assassinate me.

Now they are threatening to shoot our vice president!

I will not take this lying down -- Public Advocate will not be intimidated by these threats.

Not even when the actual bullets fly -- as they did at me just a few weeks ago.

We are going to Fight! Fight! Fight!

Mark Clayton is a champion of the pro-Family Movement.

He has already filed numerous lawsuits against this board for witness tampering and false arrest.

He is not going to stop until he has cleaned out these snakes.

And we will have his back every step of the way, " said Delgaudio.


In the same online message, Eugene Delgaudio, gave the background to this attrocity by the Tennessee Registry of Election Finance Board. Delgaudio wrote:

The violence of the Radical Left knows no bounds.

President Trump was nearly killed by an assassin's bullet...

...grown men are beating women nearly to death in the Olympics in the name of "transgender"...

...and local officials in Nashville, TN have threatened to shoot Public Advocate's Vice President!

Yes, you read that correctly.

Mark Clayton has been a part of Public Advocate for many decades, and while you don't hear much about him, he serves as Public Advocate's Vice President.

In practice, he operates as a semi-independent agent in his own community - a real world public advocate defending people getting run over by the big government machinery.

This whole fight goes back to the Classroom Protection Act of Tennessee in the years 2011-2013.

This was a major bill to protect children in the public school classroom from being exposed to radical, explicit homosexual propaganda.

Public Advocate as a whole and Mark Clayton locally went to war with the Homosexual Lobby to support this bill - we even gave it the name Classroom Protection Act!

Meanwhile In 2012, Clayton ran for the U.S. Senate as the official Democrat Party nominee - and for governor in 2014.

Despite clearly winning the voter's primary, the shadowy party elite in the Democrat Party of Tennessee rejected Clayton as a candidate.

The only reason they could give for rejecting Mr. Clayton was his support of Real Marriage and opposition to the radical Homosexual Agenda.

Between their opposition to the Classroom Protection Act, and their rejection of Mark Clayton as the Democrat nominee, the party officials exposed the rot hidden in their party.

They made it clear, that if you didn't support homosexual "marriage" and the radical Homosexual Agenda, you did not belong in the Tennessee Democrat Party.

The pro-Family voters heard that message loud and clear -- and they deserted the Democrats in droves.

But, the radical Left still maintained power in the liberal enclave of Nashville - where Mr. Clayton resides.

And they will never forget how dangerous his is.

Since then, Clayton and his allies have faced endless political and legal persecution - lawfare just like the Homosexual Lobby is using against Trump.

First they trumped up criminal charges against Mark - actually sent a fleet of police cars to go arrest him.

Desperate to win and besmirch Clayton's reputation at all cost, they went after one of his key witnesses -- Jonathan Hall -- during the trial!

You can see Mark posing here with the older Jon Hall - a Black, Christian conservative city councilman.

Through his own recruitment of candidates, Mr. Clayton has created strong ties with the Black, Christian, conservative community in Nashville.

He has routinely assisted them in navigating the complicated political candidate paperwork required to run for office.

Through that work, he got to know Jonathan Hall.

Mr. Hall has been a dedicated friend to Public Advocate -- and the Radical Left cannot stand it.

Jonathan Hall stood by Mr. Clayton during the criminal trial and was a key witness in Mark's defense.

That's when the Election Registry Board went after Mr. Hall - to intimidate a witness in a criminal case.

Even after Clayton beat the charges, the board continued their persecution of Hall - they wanted to destroy a key ally of Public Advocate.

Over what amounts to some minor paperwork issues, the Board levied ruinous fines on this Black man of over $300,000!

The FBI - Biden's FBI - kicked in his door.

Mr. Clayton and Public Advocate stood behind Mr. Hall.

During a hearing on Hall's case, Mark Clayton was in attendance to speak on Hall's behalf.

But the Board was ready for him." DELGAUDIO SAID.

(SEE ABOVE FOR DELEGAUDIO REACTION TO THE Tennessee Registry of Election Finance Board THREAT to shoot Mark Clayton).

PHOTO CREDIT: Mark posing here with the older Jon Hall - a Black, Christian conservative city councilman.