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Heritage Foundation: Joe Biden Can not be taken off the ballot in some states

The most prominent conservative think tank in the Conservative movement has weighed in on the question of eliminating Joe Biden from the ballot. Heritage has issued a preliminary study explaining that Democrats can not remove Joe Biden from the November ballot everywhere and some states just will not allow it unless he dies or is removed by his Cabinet under the 25th Amendment. This is very much what Public Advocate has been saying since Saturday, "says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate.


A major conservative activist group is preparing for legal battles in case the Democratic Party chooses to pull President Biden out of the running before or after he becomes the nominee.

The Heritage Foundation, one of the United States' most prominent and well-connected conservative activist groups, is laying the groundwork in case a sudden switch-up in the Democratic roster sparks a legal war.

"We are monitoring the calls from across the country for President Biden to step aside, either now or before the election, and have concluded that the process for substitution and withdrawal is very complicated," Executive Director of The Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project Mike Howell said in a statement. "We will remain vigilant that appropriate election integrity procedures are followed."

Heritage has already identified multiple states in which a switch away from Biden before or after the nomination could mean serious trouble for the Democratic Party.

In a separate statement, the Oversight Project warned, "If the Biden family decides that President Biden will not run for re-election, the mechanisms for replacing him on ballots vary by state. There is the potential for pre-election litigation in some states that would make the process difficult and perhaps unsuccessful.

Heritage points out that many states - including swing states such as Georgia, Nevada and Wisconsin - might not allow a replacement on the ballot.

Wisconsin does not allow a candidate's name to be withdrawn from the ballot except due to death. Nevada allows changes to its ballot up until 5:00pm on the fourth Friday of June in the election year - it also allows special consideration for if nominees die or are determined to be mentally unable to proceed.