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Destroyers of Democracy Can't Just Wipe Out President Biden

"Contrary to the New York Times, dozens of power hungry monsters like James Carville, you can not just wipe away President Joe Biden who won 99 per cent of the delegates to the upcoming Democratic Party convention. Even Republican Congressman Chip Roy is a little off the charts on the rules and regulations that block removing Joe Biden from the ballots in 50 states, " says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate. Delgaudio has formed DEFENDERS OF JOE BIDEN AND DEMOCRACY PROJECT.


Will Democrats replace Joe Biden as their presidential nominee?

It's not that simple, logistically or politically, as long he's still alive. States have pretty strict rules on last-second ballot changes, but Democrats have always found ways to get courts to rewrite laws for them at the last second. Just look at what they did for Frank Lautenberg and Robert Torricelli in New Jersey. It would be a heavy lift but not an impossible one.

The real problem for Democrats is political: Removing Biden as nominee requires them to deny and reject the election results of their voters in all 50 states after they spent four years accusing everyone else of being "election deniers." They also will have a very hard time removing Biden as nominee but leaving him in as president. If he's not mentally fit to be on the campaign trail or debate stage, how on Earth can he be fit enough to remain as president? The downsides of that strategy are immense, with little upside.