Defending the family

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Eugene Delgaudio response "We will never surrender, never give up!"

In a nationwide email message, Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate said in part:

On Saturday, we went deep behind the Enemy's lines.

We overran their position and circled their headquarters.

Literally, we parked our billboard truck directly in front of the headquarters of the Homosexual Lobby.

We showed them that there are still God-fearing Americans left who will speak the truth against their lies.

Everywhere we drove on Saturday, we were the subject of obscene gestures and angry shouts.

We were even physically - and disgustingly, sexually -- assaulted.

One deranged man physically attacked both our truck and my car. And then he exposed himself.

You can see the CENSORED video at the bottom of this email. We have filed a police report on this crime with the District of Columbia Police Department, " Delgaudio wrote today.