Federal Study Proves Sick Transgender Surgeries Increase Suicides

"Detransitioner Chloe Cole works day and night to warn young people about the dangers of believing the lies spread by the insane medical monsters who willfully chop up children while raking in big bucks at their victims expense. Cole is proved right. This federal study shows evidence of medical butchers' perfidy," says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate.
Breitbart News post by Neil Munro
People who undergo "gender-affirming" surgery experience a 12.12 percent rise in the risk of suicide attempts, according to a federal study of 1,501 cases over 20 years.
Three and a half percent of 1,501 people - or seven victims for every 200 people - who have undergone "gender-affirming" surgery are at risk of committing suicide compared to 0.30 percent of every 15,608,363 people - or one in every 330 people - who have not undergone "gender-affirming" surgery.
The large study also noted that people who undergo "gender-affirming" surgery are 3.35 percent more likely to die, 9.88 percent more likely to experience suicide/self-harm, and 7.76 percent more likely to experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) than those with no history of "gender-affirming" surgery.
"The results of this study show that gender-affirmation surgery is associated with a significantly higher risk of suicide, death, suicide/self-harm, and PTSD," said the study, titled "Risk of Suicide and Self-Harm Following Gender-Affirmation Surgery."