Justices Gorsuch and Alito annihilated foundation of Biden's DOJ case against J6 protesters

Justices Gorsuch and Alito just annihilated the entire foundation of Biden's DOJ case against J6 protesters.
They dunk on the US solicitor general with examples of unhinged leftist psychos disrupting official proceedings, and ask why those protesters were never charged. Alito makes an excellent point about the protesters who shut down the Golden Gate Bridge yesterday, asking the SG if she would apply the same argument if the disruption resulted in someone not making it to court in time to testify.
The SG tries to justify this glaring evidence of a two tiered justice system by claiming that it's different because those protesters "likely didn't know they weren't allowed to disrupt official proceedings." Meanwhile, a nana who took a selfie outside of the Capitol is serving jail time.
The issue the Supreme Court is looking to settle is whether the DOJ's use of a statute regarding obstructing a congressional proceeding applies in Joseph Fischer's case. That decision could affect the cases of hundreds of January 6th defendants and possibly scuttle some of the federal charges against Donald Trump. ..................
The case centers on defendant Joseph Fischer's challenge to the Justice Department's charges of "corruptly" obstructing, influencing, or impeding a congressional proceeding on Jan. 6. Lawyers for Fischer argue that the statute used, passed by Congress in 2002 primarily for financial crimes, doesn't apply to his actions during the Capitol incident. The government argues that Fischer's actions disrupted Congress from fulfilling its Electoral Count Act duties.
The question before the justices is whether a provision of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, enacted in the wake of the collapse of the energy giant Enron, covers the conduct of Fischer, a former police officer. The 2002 legislation was prompted by accounting fraud and document destruction. The provision is written broadly, and debates are centered on whether it should be interpreted widely or limited more narrowly.
To this point, the conservative justices have shown some skepticism of the government's case, which U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar is presenting. On that front, Justice Neil Gorsuch asked a question that many of us have been pondering. Namely, he asked whether Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), who pulled a fire alarm before an important House vote and impeded a congressional proceeding, could be charged under the same statute. Astonishingly, the government responded with a "no...........
............................Somehow, I doubt a majority of the Supreme Court is going to be swayed by such arguments. I expect Fischer to emerge victorious this summer and for the entire January 6th prosecution apparatus to be thrown into turmoil.