Patricia Silva

"PUBLIC ADVOCATE President Eugene Delgaudio proudly announced America's new FAMILY ADVOCATE as Patricia Silva for bravely standing up to the latest transgender bullying of women in Alaska which resulted in a 400 million dollar drop in stock value of Planet Fitness in one day," says Eugene Delgaudio president of Public Advocate.
Patricia Silva is vowing to keep up the fight for women after Planet Fitness revoked her membership for posting a video calling out a transgender woman found shaving in the women's locker room.
"I'm here for the long haul. I am going to help make a difference, however that looks," she told Fox News Digital on Wednesday.
"I'm not afraid. The libs can threaten me all day long, and I just feel like I've got the armor of God on me. They cannot penetrate my soul. They can't take my joy unless I give it to them, so that's kind of where I'm at."
Silva's Planet Fitness membership was revoked after she alerted employees of the transgender member's presence and subsequently recorded herself speaking about the ordeal that took place at the Fairbanks location earlier this month.
Photo credit Patricia Silva Youtube