"Why is the Pope in Rome, Italy, silent on the wholesale abuse of Catholics in Virginia, and all over America. Does the Pope support the daily interference and harrassment of church attending Catholics in Virginia, and all over America, by an out of control federal police force in America?, asks Eugene Delgaudio president of Public Advocate.
The FBI's probe into whether traditional Catholics posed a terrorist threat included interviews with a priest and a church choir director and involved an undercover agent who infiltrated the church, House investigators said Monday.
A House panel examining the weaponization of government uncovered the interviews and the role of at least one undercover agent as part of a congressional probe into the FBI's recent targeting of traditional Catholics.
Subpoenas issued in the investigation, House lawmakers said, revealed that the FBI "singled out Americans who are pro-life, pro-family, and support the biological basis for sex and gender distinction as potential terrorists."
FIRST ON FOX: The FBI interviewed a priest and a church choir director as part of its investigation into traditional Catholics, a House Weaponization Committee report obtained by Fox News Digital revealed, while determining that subpoenaed documents show that there "was no legitimate basis for the memorandum to insert federal law enforcement into Catholic houses of worship."
The committee said that whistleblower disclosures reveal that the FBI interview of a priest and choir director affiliated with a Catholic church in Richmond, Virginia was used to "inform on the parishioner under investigation.".....................
The committee also said that without whistleblower disclosures, the memo "would still be operative in FBI systems, violating the religious liberties of millions of Catholic Americans." ......................
On July 25, the FBI produced a version of the Richmond document with fewer redactions than the two previous versions it provided. That version revealed that investigations into Catholic organizations in Los Angeles and Portland fed into the Richmond office memo. The report states that FBI Milwaukee was also involved.