In a message to Pope Francis, the Hon. Eugene Delgaudio, President of the Public Advocate of the United States, states:
Your Excellency, Pope Francis,
As a practicing Catholic it has been my custom and lifetime vocation to promote moral stands and the condemnation of immoral acts especially those who prey on children. The Church in Rome and in America embraced a Constitutional Amendment enshrining marriage between one man and one woman based on Public Advocate's public leadership explaining the moral necessity to preserve the family.
Our background includes news conferences and current outreach to millions each week. Years ago, Public Advocate successfully lobbied both the U.S. Congress and the Catholic Church to support traditional marriage. Our Background is in the p.s. "about Public Advocate."
Upfront, our group is a premier watchdog for injustice against the American Catholic Church:
Western Journal: Public Advocate's FOIA DOJ Documents Show Jaw-Dropping Truth on Child Sex Abuse
Public Advocate has defended the American Catholic Church in the ongoing scandal of the abuse of children with a years long court battle revealing the bias of the federal law enforcement to single out the Catholic Church and overlooking other larger abuses of the same nature.
Now, I briefly address your current scandal on the scale of the French Revolution:
I note recently your much publicized visit with transgender perverts and other assorted sinners. This is troubling to most and difficult to appreciate for the world. I caution on this due to the danger that there could be harm done to the moral leadership if a murky or obscure posture be taken. Of course, we welcome all into embracing God. But forgiveness must be based on a repudiation of sin. Absent the repudiation of sin, it appears you welcome unrepentant sinners without a prior confession of sins.
Regarding the purging and removal of high ranking American conservatives from their positions in the Roman Catholic Church. These adverse actions are signs of hostility. Cardinal Raymond Burke of Wisconsin is your latest victim of your ongoing purge, and Bishop Joseph Strickland of Texas earlier is a provocation of normality similar to the French Revolution overkill of that time.
Purging conservatives must cease and desist immediately and your removal of honest moral leaders who are in disagreement with liberalism must be reversed. Your blatant disregard to the salvation of souls by your apparent applauding of immoral acts is clearly being seen around the world and must be called out. We desire to stand for God's Divine Truths to protect our Families and our moral society and we will continue to stand with those on God's side.
Sincerely in Faith,
Eugene Delgaudio
President. Public Advocate of the United States, Inc.
P.S. Background on Public Advocate
Here's a partial listing of efforts to promote Traditional Marriage in America with the explicit support of American bishops years ago:
Public Advocate urges Senators to vote for Federal Marriage Amendment
Public Advocate calls on Senators to Vote for the Marriage Amendment
On Capitol Hill for the Federal Marriage Amendment
Delgaudio Asks Senators to Support Traditional Marriage
Delgaudio Statement on Marriage Vote