Happy Thanksgiving Day Message from President Eugene Delgaudio

Eugene Delgaudio sent an online message by email and social media post to his supporters on November 23, Thanksgiving Day. Delgaudio said in part:
Defending American families and children from the depredations of the Homosexual Lobby is hard work.
I am thankful to God for the wonderful family I have been blessed with.
My wife, Sheila has been my constant helpmate since before we were married - we just celebrated our 41st anniversary.
I am thankful for the food I am still able to put on our holiday table.
And I am thankful for my dedicated staff, attornies and wonderful supporters.
Knowing that I have you and many others in my corner brings me encouragement in even my darkest hours.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
I pray that you are having a wonderful day surrounded by loved ones.
And I pray that you too consider all you have to be thankful for, " Delgaudio said to his supporters.