Speaker Johnson, Hitting All the Right Notes, Annoying All the Right People

We may only be a few days into the Speaker Mike Johnson era, but I am enjoying it so far. Sure, he's a politician, and the whole thing will probably end up being a huge disappointment. That's all the more reason to kick back and have fun while we can.
While the Democrats and their flying monkeys in the mainstream media were rending their garments over "CHAOS" in the House, conservatives out here in the hinterlands were mostly just annoyed that the impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden was simmering on the back burner. For a lot of people, the "business of the House" at present should be focused on getting to the bottom of how the Biden Crime Family works. We don't know how long this Olsen Twins-thin GOP majority in the House is going to last, after all.
The good news, as Matt writes, is that Speaker Johnson is ready to roll on that front again. The best news from Matt's post is that the new speaker says the Republicans aren't interested in the kangaroo court antics of Democrats:
ohnson said Republicans are far more concerned about evidence.
"I know people are getting anxious and they're getting restless and they just want somebody to be impeached," he explained. "But that's not - we don't do that like the other team. We have to base it upon the evidence, and the evidence is coming together. We'll see where it leads."
I think we know where it's going to lead.
One way to get a read on a relatively unknown politician is to see what's triggering his or her political enemies.