Public Advocate Message Helps Win Paxton Acquittal

The Texas Senate on Saturday acquitted Attorney General Ken Paxton of 16 articles of impeachment alleging corruption and bribery, his most artful escape in a career spent courting controversy and skirting consequences of scandal.
No article received more than 14 of the required 21 votes to convict. Only two of 19 Republican Senators, Bob Nichols of Jacksonville and Kelly Hancock of North Richland Hills, voted in favor of convicting for any article - a stark contrast to the more than 70% of House Republicans who impeached the attorney general in May.
Paxton, who attended just two days of the trial and was not present to witness his exoneration, was characteristically defiant.
"The sham impeachment coordinated by the Biden Administration with liberal House Speaker Dade Phelan and his kangaroo court has cost taxpayers millions of dollars, disrupted the work of the Office of Attorney General and left a dark and permanent stain on the Texas House," Paxton said in a statement. "The weaponization of the impeachment process to settle political differences is not only wrong, it is immoral and corrupt."
EUGENE DELGAUDIO, PRESIDENT OF PUBLIC ADVOCATE wrote supporters this message of support for Attorney General Paxton on Friday before the deliberations were finished:
Right now, there is a conspiracy in the Texas State Legislature to remove and ban a good man from office.
State Attorney General Paxton was re-elected to his office last year by an overwhelming vote of support from Texans.
But now he is being railroaded through a baseless impeachment process.
His real crimes?
He challenged the FBI as corrupt and biased - something the whole nation has seen the last few years.
He fought back hard against the Biden Administration.
And he has been a pro-Family champion in the fight to defend Texas children from the radical Homosexual Lobby.
In fact, just looking back through my old files, I have written to the entire country about Texas' noble AG on numerous occasions.
He has been a role model for other conservative AGs to follow.
Here's just one snippet of his good work:
"There are laws in every state against allowing children to view adult, sexual entertainment.
But the Homosexual Lobby and their allies have convinced law enforcement and local prosecutors to turn a blind eye to these criminal acts.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is demanding that this "free pass" comes to an end in his state.
Last weekend, one pro-Family hero attended one of these drag shows at a bar in Plano, TX.
The video clearly shows a man in drag performing sexually and singing words so vile I cannot repeat them here - with a child clearly in the audience!
After reviewing the footage, AG Paxton demanded that local prosecutors investigate."
There is a direct quote from an email I sent almost a year ago.
But there are too many squishy Republicans who do not want to actually confront the Homosexual Lobby.
And AG Paxton has upset them to the point that they have falsely impeached him.
Now it's up the Senate to decide how to sentence him.
The same thing happened to Trump -- he was impeached in the House, but the U.S. Senate refused to take action.
The Senate majority knew the impeachment articles were baseless.
And now we are demanding that the Texas Senate admit the same thing.
This is a witch hunt orchestrated by RINO underlings and political rivals to destroy the career of a pro-Family champion.
And real conservatives from around the country are rallying to his defense.
President Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr., Tucker Carlson and even Kari Lake of Arizona are all voicing their full support for Paxton.
Despite the bloated list of charges against AG Paxton, the evidence shows that his impeachment is no more valid that Trump's impeachment over "Russian Collusion."
It's all a lot of nonsense.
The auditor of the Attorney General's office stated flatly that there was no misuse of funds found anywhere in the office - that the media just fabricated allegations.
From on the impeachment convictions:
"The problem? The accusations, sexy and salacious as they may be, simply aren't true. In no way, shape, or form did the House prove its case with tangible, clear, or convincing evidence. In fact, the defense presented evidence that shredded every article of impeachment listed."
Ken Paxton appealed to the Senate to dismiss all charges as groundless, but twelve traitorous Republicans sided with the Democrats to deny this motion.
AG Paxton is a pro-Family champion and hero - and Public Advocate must defend him.
That's why I need every Texas supporter we have to get busy calling right now.
Here are the Republican Senators who need to hear from you.
Conservative Champions Who Voted to Dismiss All Charges:
Bob Hall (512) 463-0102
Brandon Creighton (512) 463-0104
Lois Kolkhorst (512) 463-0118
Paul Bettencourt (512) 463-0107
Tan Parker (512) 463-0112
Donna Campbell (512) 463-0125
These brave senators need to be encouraged to hold their ground - let them know they have your support!
Swing Vote Republican Senators:
Drew Springer (512) 463-0130
Pete Flores (512) 463-0124
Phil King (512) 463-0110
Kevin Sparks (512) 463-0131
Charles Schwertner (512) 463-0105
Charles Perry (512) 463-0128
Bryan Hughes (512) 463-0101
These senators could still go either way - we need to put as much pressure on them as we can to do the right thing.
GOP Senators Rumored to be Pushing Impeachment:
Joan Huffman (512) 463-0117
Kelly Hancock (512) 463-0109
Mayes Middleton (512) 463-0111
Brian Birdwell (512) 463-0122
Robert Nichols (512) 463-0103
All of these senators need to know that Texas will condemn them if they vote to remove Attorney General Paxton from office.
Call as many of these senators as you - at least a couple from each group.
And please forward this email to as many pro-Family Texas as you know.
We must spread the word to save Ken Paxton!
For the Family,

Eugene Delgaudio
President, Public Advocate of the U.S.