James Buckley Joins The March to Heaven

"James Buckley created the March For America in his 1970 campaign for the U. S. Senate and won. Today he joins the March to Heaven in passing from this Earth, " says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate of the U.S. Inc.
"I was 15 years old and together with supportive family members raised the money necessary to open a storefront campaign headquarters at the busy New York Subway stop at 169 Street and Hillside Avenue in Queens, New York. James Buckley was always kind to me and everyone he met over the years and an inspiration as a patriot in every way possible, " said Delgaudio
Roger Ream in National Reivew says:
If you are interested in learning about the remarkable life and career of James L. Buckley, you can put his name in a search engine. You will soon discover that he is one of the few Americans to serve at the highest levels in each of the three branches of American government: U.S. senator. Federal judge. Undersecretary of State. You will also learn that he pulled off a remarkable election victory in 1970, running for U.S. Senate in New York on the Conservative Party line against an incumbent Republican and a sitting Democratic congressman.
What you won't learn from a simple search is that he was the definition of an honorable leader. Honesty, dignity, humility, and integrity were values that he epitomized. Jim Buckley passed away on August 18, 2023, at the age of 100.
I first met Jim in 1975. I was named chairman of the Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) chapter at Vanderbilt University and our informal adviser was a man named David Jones. Our coffers were empty, so Jones suggested we invite his former boss, Senator Buckley, to speak on our behalf. Jones had been the No. 2 in the remarkable Buckley for Senate campaign in New York in 1970 when he won on the Conservative Party line, then went on to serve as his chief of staff in the U.S. Senate. Buckley accepted our invitation, and we held a lunch for Nashville businesspeople at the University Club and sponsored a lecture for students at Vanderbilt. I have forever been grateful to Senator Buckley for taking time from his busy Senate schedule to help give a boost to our YAF chapter......
...............If you met Jim, you knew right way that you were in the presence of a truly decent man. He held what are sadly considered mostly old-fashioned values in today's America, humility and deportment being among them. I recall meeting him at breakfast at the Mayflower Hotel in 2010, following the 50th anniversary celebration of the founding of YAF. Jim was ready to drive home to Connecticut. He was dressed in a jacket and tie. To me, that was the mark of someone who believed you should always look your best in public, even when setting out alone in your car for a six-hour drive.
Buckley stayed active until nearing the end of his life. His final book, Freedom at Risk: Reflections on Politics, Liberty, and the State, was published as he neared his 90th birthday. He spoke to the law students attending our Law Fellows program in 2019, and to the National Review Institute annual conference that same year. These were his final public presentations, but he continued to attend occasional events as a guest.
1970 Buckley for Senate Campaign Ad March for America (Television Ad)