Philip Zodhiates was convicted in 2016 of "Aiding and Abetting an International Parental Kidnapping" for giving a mother and her young daughter a ride from Virginia to New York, protecting the then 7-year-old girl from what surmounted to court-sanctioned sexual abuse. He is also a defendant in a civil lawsuit by Janet Jenkins, the alleged abuser, for denying her "parental rights," a lawsuit being funded and litigated by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).
Lisa Miller and Janet Jenkins, both from Virginia and in a lesbian relationship, moved to Vermont over 22 years ago to secure a "civil union." Lisa had a child (Isabella) through artificial insemination, and then became a born-again Christian, moving with Isabella back to Virginia. Originally, when Janet Jenkins insisted on visitation rights despite allegations of sexual abuse against Lisa Miller's daughter, the goal of the Vermont family court and the SPLC and those behind the lawsuit was to force the recognition of homosexual marriage on the rest of the country. This would have nullified marriage amendments throughout the nation and the federal Defense of Marriage Act. In their initial goal they succeeded, and the Obergefell ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court sealed complete victory for that agenda.
The fact that Isabella Miller is now an adult and has withdrawn herself as a plaintiff in the lawsuit should have ended the matter once and for all, causing Janet Jenkins and SPLC to withdraw the civil lawsuit.
But it had become very clear over the years that the Obama administration and Department of Justice (DOJ) were in collusion with the plaintiff's attorneys and the SPLC to win at all costs, and criminally prosecute Philip Zodhiates and others who had assisted Lisa - all to achieve victory in the civil lawsuit.
"Please donate whatever you can to help alleviate the legal costs Philip Zodhiates and his family have had to endure...."