International Meme Defense: Ted Cruz Teams Up with Groomer Joe Biden to attack anti-Groomer Yoweri Museveni

Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate responded to the attacks on the president of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni, launched by so-called conservative Ted Cruz of Texas and super groomer President Joe Biden. Delgaudio said to supporters on social media: "Public Advocate condemns the strange attacks by Ted Cruz of a world leader fighting the abuse and grooming of children in his country with a lawful barrier to punish future child rapists. To mock Ted Cruz as a stooge of Joe Biden and his pink pride stormtroopers, we have launched an International Meme Defense featuring anti-Cruz memes in direct response to the Cruz missile directed at morality," said Delgaudio.
Lifesite News reports:
Ted Cruz shocks conservative supporters by condemning Uganda's anti-sodomy law
The Texas senator called the Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2023 'horrific,' 'wrong' 'grotesque,' and an 'abomination'
Republican U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas has joined the Left in opposing Uganda's latest anti-sodomy law, calling it "grotesque" and "an abomination."
Uganda's Parliament passed the law, titled The Anti-Homosexuality Act, 2023, after some amendments were added protecting individuals seeking help in dealing with homosexual inclinations and was signed by President Yoweri Museveni on Friday, May 26.
The law is "an act to prohibit any form of sexual relations between persons of the same sex; to prohibit the promotion or recognition of sexual relations between persons of the same sex; and for related matters."
According to the law, those who perform homosexual acts have committed a crime liable to life in prison, and those who commit an aggravated homosexual act - such as rape, or acts committed with a child, or with a person who is mentally ill or advanced in age or drugged or who contracts a terminal illness from the sexual act - are liable to the death penalty.
Taking to Twitter, Cruz denounced Uganda's protection of marriage and the vulnerable from sexual predators who are seeking to normalize LGBT lifestyles and ideology in the strongly Christian African country.
"This Uganda law is horrific & wrong. Any law criminalizing homosexuality or imposing the death penalty for "aggravated homosexuality" is grotesque & an abomination. ALL civilized nations should join together in condemning this human rights abuse."...............
...........Amid opposition from powerful western nations like the U.S., Uganda has stood its ground against pro-abortion and LGBT ideology. Moreover, its legislative opposition to homosexuality is nothing new.
As LifeSiteNews previously noted, homosexual activities have explicitly carried criminal penalties under the law since at least Uganda's time as a British protectorate, which ranged from the late 19th century until 1962. Life imprisonment is already a possible consequence of violating the country's prohibition of "unnatural acts" in the country's Penal Code Act of 1950, though the section has been rarely enforced in practice, Lifesite News reported.
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