Disney employee charged with 450 child porn felonies

WINTER HAVEN, Fla. - The Polk County Sheriff's Office is searching for children who may have been sexually victimized after detectives arrested eight men, including a Disney employee, for child pornography.
According to the Polk County Sheriff's Office, the men were arrested during "Operation May's Monsters," an investigation by the PCSO computer crimes unit which focused on identifying those who possessed and distributed child pornography.
Detectives say the child pornography included thousands of photos and videos depicting babies, toddlers, and children being sexually battered, forced to engage in sex acts, or displayed in sexually explicit poses.......
.....Another man who was arrested, 40-year-old Paul Viel, of Davenport worked at the Cosmic Rays Restaurant at Disney World, according to investigators.
"He was a sadomasochist. There were photos where they tied up babies in prep for sexual battery. There was one, a weeks old child where the child's hands are tied behind her back?! Can you believe that?" Sheriff Judd described.
Veil faces a whopping 540 counts of child porn. That's 540 felony charges.
"Why do people like Paul Viel work at Disney? That's where the children are," explained Judd.
Judd added, "His wife asked, she's only been married to him for a year, she asked, did I marry a monster? Yes, you married a monster."