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Disgusting Disney Attacks All Parents and Children with Transgender Propaganda

In a message to supporters, Eugene Delgaudio condemned the disgusting abuse of their special tax status to manage the properties like a sub-divsion of government and use their funds to attack families of Americans and their own employees.

Delgaudio said, in part:

(Quote) "I've warned before about Disney's embrace of the Homosexual Lobby.

And now, Disney executives have been caught on video declaring their support for the Homosexual Agenda.

Executives in charge of Disney's content promised that half of Disney's characters would come from under-represented groups, with a focus on homosexuals and transgenders.

The push includes releasing a Toy Story spin-off movie which contains a female character kissing another female character.

And instructing employees to no longer address crowds at Disney parks as "ladies and gentlemen" or "boys and girls."

Instead, employees have been instructed to address crowds by saying "Hello, everyone or hello, friends." (unquote)

Delgaudio also said:

"Rather than support parents who do not want their elementary-aged children indoctrinated with the Homosexual Agenda, Disney has chosen to force sexual discussions into elementary classrooms."

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