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Public Advocate Condemns Republican Betrayal Of Pro-Family Platform

Media: Permission Granted in Advance To Quote in part or whole.

Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate condemned the betrayal of the pro-family Republican Platform by top Republican leaders, and said in a message to his supporters ( in part).

"The RNC -- Republican National Committee -- is betraying the very platform of the Republican Party that Public Advocate and I worked so hard to influence.

On Election Day, voters in Virginia and New Jersey overwhelmingly rejected the Homosexual Agenda being forced into their children's schools.

Every expert in the country has admitted that it was the fight over schools -- led by your Public Advocate -- that determined the election outcomes.

Republican leadership wasted no time announcing that it was now the "party of parents."

And Public Advocate would applaud the Republican Party if they were properly defending the rights of Christian, pro-Family parents who do not want their children indoctrinated in Gender Corruption Theory.

So why has the RNC -- the national leadership of the GOP -- suddenly announced a new coalition with the Homosexual Lobby?........" Delgaudio said.

Delgaudio also said:

"This Pro-Family Republican Platform plank states plainly that marriage is, and can only be, between one man and one woman.

Quoting directly:

"Foremost among those institutions is the American Family. It is the foundation of civil society, and the cornerstone of the family is natural marriage, the union of one man and one woman." pg. 31

Of course, we have also tried to turn the Democratic Party back to its Christian, pro-Family roots every four years -- but they have institutionally become anti-Christian.

Both parties would do very well to pay attention to the fury parents are expressing right now at the filth their children are being exposed to.

The RNC is trying to claim that the recent elections gave them a mandate from the people -- but it was the pro-Family Movement that won in that election, " said Delgaudio.

Credits: Republican Party Platform, 2016 and 2020


RNC announces 'Pride Coalition,' partnership with Log Cabin Republicans ahead of midterms

The Republican National Committee announced its first ever "RNC Pride Coalition" over the weekend, partnering with the Log Cabin Republicans to invest and mobilize LGBTQ communities ahead of the 2022 midterm elections.

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, who was given the "Majority Maker" award, said the RNC is "committed" to working with the Log Cabin Republicans - the country's largest Republican organization dedicated to representing LGBTQ conservatives and allies - calling the organization "a partner to fight for our country's future."

"The RNC is launching our first-ever RNC Pride Coalition," she continued, adding that RNC Pride will "work alongside our other coalition groups to invest in communities and mobilize support for the upcoming midterms."