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Public Advocate Remembers Ronald Reagan

Public Advocate joins all America in mourning the loss of Ronald Wilson Reagan. America is a greater nation because he was our president. The world is a freer place because of his courage.

No President has taken on communism, the entire liberal establishment and government bureaucracy as Ronald Reagan did.

He shaped the modern conservative movement and proved our philosophies to be popular and durable. In the face of criticism and pressure, he always stood up for the American family.

When he took action he did in because he knew it was the right thing to do, not because a pollster told him to. He was always decisive and never timid.

Many supporters of our former President will travel to the Capitol Rotunda this week, on when the former President will lay in state so that we can say good bye to his earthly form.

President Reagan was the greatest President since George Washington. His integrity, character, humor, tenacity, steadfastness, and vision have set the standard for all those who follow in his footsteps. Thank you Mr. President.