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Public Advocate Sends Biden's Pirates to Atlanta Georgia and the Nation Today

*Permission granted in advance to use with credit to Pirates for Biden, sponsored by Public Advocate*

Public Advocate president Eugene Delgaudio is sending volunteers on the road to assist with the effort to investigate voter fraud with teams of peaceful pirate performers mocking Joe Biden's willful stealing of ballots and other misdeeds in a creative political street theater production.

Delgaudio's Biden's Pirates' Mission

"I believe taking an inexpensive white chalk marker and writing two words, "Biden's Pirates" on a pirate hat, placing it on your head and singing our songs will help stop the theft by bringing attention to a criminal band loose on our nation, says Delgaudio.

Public Advocate volunteers will perform "Pirates for Election Integrity" street theater on the street at the Atlanta, Georia State Capitol on Friday, November 20 at 11:30 am at 206 Washington Street, S.W. and again in Atlanta, Georgia on Saturday, November 21 at 11:30 am at 206 Washington Street, S.W., Atlanta.

Who Joe Biden Pirates for Election Integrity
What: Political Street Theater Tour sponsored by Public Advocate
Where: 206 Washington St., S.W. The Georgia State Capitol
When: 1 hour performance , Friday November 20 11:30 AM Atlanta Georgia
1 hour peformance Saturday November 21 11:30 AM Atlanta Georgia

Why: Non-Profit Public Advocate Uses Ballad style Singing To Fight Political Corruption

Plan of Action Announced for Pirates for Joe Biden National Tour

This is a link to the publicly announced Public Advocate plan to oppose the Steal of the national election directly through a tour that starts with Atlanta, Georgia Friday November 20 2020

Group Photo of Pirates

Vote Joe, vote Joe, a Biden vote for me. We've got lots of gall, we've got lots of nerve Stuff all the boxes for Joe

Vote Joe, vote Joe, a Biden vote for me. We've got lots of gall, we've got lots of nerve Stuff all the boxes for Joe

Link to more photos of pirates here.

Link to Video of Pirates at the U.S. Supreme Court

Public Advocate is posting a performance video to educate and train others to perform the Pirates for Election Integrity.

Link to Pirate Songs Being Sung and distributed (plain text)

Link to Pirate Song Book and Media Handout Being Sung and distributed

Songs include : "A Biden Vote For Me", to tune of "A Pirates Life for Me"; Fifteen Men encore:
To the tune of "Fifteen Men"; Song #3: Steal Shanty To the tune of "Roll the Old Chariot Along".

Overview of National Tour of Pirates for Election Integrity

Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate said "Our groups mission is to promote truth and we feel Trump clearly won the election and patterns in balloting irregularity clearly show Biden votes are being cast by dead people, or in a some direct or indirect fraudulent fashion, " said Delgaudio.

Regarding the description of Biden's supporters as "pirates", Delgaudio said: " Our lawyers and citizens and other honest lawyers fighting for election integrity are facing some serious threats from pro-fraud elements in the court house and in the streets of our country so these abuses give me the impression they, the Biden supporters, imagine themselves to be self-proclaimed pirates. "

Public Advocate began national political street theater tours opposing political corruption in 1988, also beginning in Atlanta, Georgia with the corrupt then-House Speaker Jim Wright Mock Trials and hosted 100 mock trials in American cities. Speaker Wright was forced to step down. Since 1988, Public Advocate has performed political theater 1,000 times in Washington, D.C. for free on the streets around the White House, Supreme Court and Congress.

Report on Jim Wright Mock Trial from Washington Post and Los Angeles Times in 1988.

Whatever the vote, It's our vote instead Stuff all the boxes for Joe Vote Joe, vote Joe, a Biden vote for me

Whatever the vote, It's our vote instead Stuff all the boxes for Joe Vote Joe, vote Joe, a Biden vote for me