FEC and Now United Nations Complaint Against Twitter filed by Public Advocate

Federal Election Commission and Now United Nations
Complaint Against Twitter filed by Public Advocate
Today: October 28 2020
Letter to
Hon. Antonio Guterres,
General Secretary, United Nations
New York City, New York
Copy to Hon. Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State, United States of America
Dear Hon. General Secretary António Guterres,
I thought I would never write asking you for help but here we are.
I am requesting a mandate from the General Secretary's office in a limited topic of specific election interference from China or other foreign interests at the corporate headquarters of Twitter Inc.
Normally Public Advocate's policy position is opposed to everything about the United Nations as we as an organization believe in building national sovreignty and not tearing it down through a collective of nation states.
But at some level someone must recognize an American President, Senate or Congress can not ensure: a fair election in the United States, needs to be addressed.
Please consider observers on an emergency basis of Twitter Corporate Headquarters in San Francisco, California.
Your election department at your international offices explain your powers to mandate a delegation for observation
"Coordination of Electoral Observers: United Nations support to international observers is of two types: (i) Operational Support, and (ii) Coordination of International Observers. Coordination of international observers involves a wide range of activities that can include the provision of logistics and administrative support to the election observation effort and other additional activities such as briefing and facilitation of the deployment of observers, debriefing, etc. This type of support is usually provided to a number of observer groups. This type of support can be provided on the basis of a request from Member States."
I am asking you, United Nation's General Secretary António Guterres, to use your mandate powers to send observers from member nations Estonia (Singing Revolution), Montenegro (recent fair election) and South Africa to Twitter Corporate Headquarters in San Francisco to observe election interference funded by non-American sources.
I have attached our legal complaint to condemn crimes against humanity performed by Twitter Inc.
Eugene Delgaudio