Duck Dynasty Robertsons get protection order against drive-by shooting suspect

As of Monday afternoon, three members of Duck Dynasty's Robertson family have been issued orders of protection from the suspect in a Friday drive-by shooting.
Daniel King Jr., age 38, must stay at least 1,000 feet away from John Luke and Mary Kate Robertson as well as an infant until April 27, 2022.
According to an arrest warrant for King, he was the passenger in the Ford F-250 that fired shots from along Arkansas Road and hit two homes belonging to the Robertson family.
The warrant states King pointed a .380 caliber out of the window and fired numerous rounds in the direction of two houses.
One home was hit through an outer window. The home hit was occupied by three people, and the first residence shot at was occupied by five.
King told deputies he shot a .380 caliber from the vehicle but was attempting to see if the safety was on or not. He said the gun fired numerous times while in his hands.
King also said he was drinking vodka at the time of the shooting.
Per the report, a juvenile was in the vehicle at the time and told deputies King put the handgun outside of the window and fired multiple rounds.
The stipulations in the protective orders are a condition of bail.
King was charged with one count of aggravated assault by drive-by shooting, and bail was set at $150,000......................
King was also booked on two charges of criminal neglect of family. Both are misdemeanors with one fine paid and one warrant recalled.
King remains in custody as of Monday afternoon. ...............................