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Judge dismisses some criminal charges in Planned Parenthood video case


A California judge dismissed five criminal charges against David Daleiden, head of the pro-life Center for Medical Progress, surrounding his undercover attempts to expose Planned Parenthood.

"The Court finds that based on the specific factual findings as to each of these counts that there is an absence of probable cause to establish that these conversations were 'confidential communications' as defined by the statute," Judge Christopher C.Hite wrote in an opinion released Friday.

Daleiden still faces multiple criminal charges which Hite refused to drop.


In other News from the pro-life group from their website

"The Center for Medical Progress, responsible for the 2015 undercover video series that caught top Planned Parenthood leadership callously negotiating the harvesting and sale of aborted fetal body parts, is suing Dr. Savita Ginde, a now-former Planned Parenthood VP and Medical Director featured in the videos, for her false and defamatory claims that the undercover footage is "fake". "

Photo Credit Unsplash (not related)