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Ballot-harvesting: Not just for California anymore


California looks like a lost cause for Republicans, given how Democrats clinched the midterm with a series of new laws. Maybe no big deal, given that California has been a solid blue state for something like 20 years. But are Americans aware of the potential for California vote-rigging to come to their states, making them so blue no conservative will ever be able to win an election?

A California political operative, Edward Ring, writing in American Greatness, lays out the coming specter:

Come to California to see what's going to roll out across America in time to guarantee a progressive landslide in 2020. It may be perfectly legal. But it's so rigged it would make Boss Tweed blush.


The way they did this was to pass laws designed to rig the system.

Three laws in particular combined to stack the deck against Republicans. First came the Motor Voter law. This meant that as soon as any California resident acquired or renewed his driver's license or state ID, he would be registered to vote automatically. Second, the state legislature authorized counties automatically to send absentee ballots to voters, even if they had not requested those ballots. Third, the rules governing ballot custody were changed so that anyone could turn in absentee ballots, not just the actual voter.

The opportunities presented by these three laws were fully exploited by Democrats.

Ring warns that Democratic legislatures in states that went all-blue in the last midterm - Democrats picked up six new houses and several governorships, were watching California very closely. They want what California has, and are likely to pass the three laws California did to seal their permanent power entrenchment: Motor-voter laws that register voters whether they like it \.......

Hat Tip to Free Republic

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