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Liberal Facebook Invester and Liberal Media Call on Zuckerberg To Resign




Facebook, Zuckerberg now admits, has become a tool for hate groups who use the platform to harass and intimidate, and for state actors like Russia to manipulate opinion through false news with the aim of interfering with elections, including the 2016 US presidential race.

(Before Congress back in the Spring of 2018, Mark Zuckerberg said)

"We didn't do enough to prevent these tools from being used for harm," Zuckerberg said as he apologized repeatedly during 10 hours of testimony in two hearings before the Senate and House. "It was my mistake, and I'm sorry. I started Facebook, I run it, and I'm responsible for what happens here."


Eugene Delgaudio president of Public Advocate said:

"Some of remember how most of the people (Laura Loomer, Alex Jones, etc) confronted Congress and the news media and openly demanded Mark Zuckerberg allow free speech on his public platform."

"The Russian interference in a major election is a joke, fraud and fake news. Manipulating a few 100,000 memes or postings to reach several million people amounts to a post card a month before the election day to 1,000 people. Most Americans know that billions of dollars and thousands of people impact campaigns as professoinal consultants supplemented by volunteers and a liberal news media. Even with a 100 billion dollars advantage liberals could not stop Donald Trump a conservative from being elected in 2016. So liberals want Facebook to purge ALL CONSERVATIVE THOUGHT and it seems that the liberal mafia are getting rid of Zuckerburg because he is not deleting conservatives fast enough on his platform."

The liberal Telegraph reports:

Facebook investors call on Mark Zuckerberg to resign as chairman following damaging report

Facebook investors have called on the company's chief executive Mark Zuckerberg to step down as chairman, following reports that the company hired a public relations firm to smear its critics by drawing links to George Soros.

The attack on Mr Zuckerberg is set to complicate the daunting challenge facing Sir Nick Clegg, Facebook's new global head of policy and communications, who joined last month and has been asked to conduct a review of Facebook's use of lobbying firms.

Jonas Kron, a senior vice president at Trillium Asset Management, a US investor which owns an £8.5m stake in Facebook (about 11 million dollars) last night called on Mr Zuckerberg to step down as board chairman in the wake of the report.


Eugene Delgaudio president of Public Advocate said:

"Kron, according to his own statements and published accounts, seems to be a tiny liberal speck (former ACLU environmentalist lawyer who is anti-Gun and activist associated with multiple liberal fronts)and other pro-homosexual lobby CEOs are trying to pressure the multi-billion dollar Facebook corporation to be more liberla and speed up the elimination of conservative thought.

So one 50,000 share owner (value today $7 million) and another one with 80,000 shares (value today 11 million) is trying to tell ceo Mark Zuckerberg with 12 million class A shares and nearly 400 million class b shares how to shape policy.

We are not fans of Mark Zuckerberg but the literal truth is that these are small investers by comparison to the top investors:

In the opinion of Public Advocate and on behalf of my membership, these "crazy" liberals who use Trump style language to attack Mark Zuckerberg today may even be part of a Soros operation via recipient foundations and investments while claiming Zuckerberg is Soros-shaming!