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The national website of the homosexual lobby: "(Gay)Nation" is in complete mental
breakdown over one of the races Public Advocate supporters turned out.

The homosexual website fails to note the defeat of liberal Republicans Public Advocate
has targeted or the loses of liberal Democrats in a dozen other state and national races who embraced their propaganda

Actual Headline: "ND Republican who sought endorsement of... (Public Advocate)... is headed to the Senate"

"Public Advocate of the United States is....fringe group by any standard. Yet somehow the next U.S. Senator from North Dakota took the time to seek the group's endorsement.
During the campaign, Cramer, the state's sole representatie, showed just how (our note: pro-family) his tenure in the Senate is going to be by courting the support of Public Advocate.

(Cramer filled out the PA survey)

quote "For example, does the candidate "oppose all efforts to make public restrooms and changing-rooms unsafe through so-called 'Transgender Bathrooms' legislation and regulations - which have the effect of encouraging and protecting pedophiles."

The survey also asks if the candidate agrees that public schools should be "prevented from brainwashing elementary school children with the Homosexual Agenda - such as California's current policy speculating widely about the sexual activity of past presidents and figures?"

Public Advocate is the pet project of Eugene Delgaudio, who has a decades-long history of attacking LGBTQ rights in the most offensive terms possible, regularly equating homosexuality with pedophilia.

Cramer didn't apologize for thinking Public Advocate was a group to be embraced, not shunned. Now he's the next Senator from North Dakota, where he can happily work to fulfill Public Advocate's agenda. " Unquote