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Colorado School Administrator Invites X-Rated Drag Queen to Middle School


Parents were shocked and angered to discover that an x-rated drag queen showed up to their children's school last week as part of a career day event.

Zack Sullivan, a 25-year-old man better known as drag queen "Jessica L'Whor," was invited by school administration to give a presentation on Oct. 19 to 11-13-year-old children at Rocky Top Middle School in suburban Denver, without parents' knowledge or consent.

L'Whor has worked for x-rated "uncensored" venues, one which included allowing patrons paying the highest bid to "f*ck up the queens."

"Parents are in an outrage and this is so inappropriate on so many levels," a parent told CBS4 Denver.

Dozens of parents are now banding together to meet with the Adams County School District 12, commonly known as the Adams 12 Five Star Schools, to stop future visits to the school by drag queens, said parent Jen Payer in an interview with LifeSiteNews.

"I'm appalled that the principal allowed someone to come into our school and have our kids come home and Google who this person is," said Payer. "It's absolutely not okay, not morally or ethically."

Contact information:

Respectful comments about the Rocky Top Middle School's invitation of a drag queen to its literacy day event can be sent to Dahmen, the school district's communications manager at [email protected].