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Video: Republican Senate Moving to Fund Planned Parenthood and Aborted-Baby-Parts Research

Cybernews service reports:

The Republican-controlled Senate on Thursday voted to pass an appropriations bill funding the Department of Health and Human Services that-if adopted by the House and signed by President Trump--will not only permit the continued federal funding of Planned Parenthood but will also allow the continued federal funding of scientific research that creates "humanized mice" using organs taken from aborted babies.

After some maneuvering on Thursday afternoon, the leadership allowed a floor vote on an amendment offered by Sen. Rand Paul (R.-Ky.) that would have prohibited all federal funding of Planned Parenthood.

That amendment was only brought up for a vote after Paul gave a blistering floor speech warning that the Republican leadership might not allow a vote on it at all.

It was brought up under a procedure that required it to get 60 votes.

It failed on a 45 to 48 vote.

By contrast, there was no vote at all in the Senate on whether to prohibit federal funding of research that uses fetal tissue taken from babies killed in an induced abortion.