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Five Million Views: In "The Swamp," Fearless Reps Expose the Corruption on Capitol Hill

New American Reports:

Unlike many other politicians who have promised to take on the establishment and "drain the swamp," Representative Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) is actually trying to do just that, and is taking some serious flak for his exposure of the Deep State and its agents on Capitol Hill.

In a video series entitled The Swamp, Massie, along with Representatives Dave Brat and Tom Garrett of Virginia, Ken Buck of Colorado, Rod Blum of Iowa, and Ted Yoho of Florida, are showing people "what happens behind the scenes in Congress." To date, there are four episodes, each running about 10 minutes.

Besides pulling back the curtain to reveal the names and tactics of those who really pull the legislative levers in Congress, The Swamp videos make it very obvious that, although there are 435 members of the House of Representatives, the key decisions are made by a handful of very powerful leaders bent on controlling the country and that the betrayal is bipartisan.

First of four episodes:

2nd of four episodes

In "The Swamp," Fearless Reps Expose the Corruption on Capitol Hill

In "The Swamp," Fearless Reps Expose the Corruption on Capitol Hill