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Public Advocate supports Mike Pompeo Nomination by President Trump

For Immediate Release. Permission granted in advance to quote in part or all of it.

EUGENE DELGAUDIO, president of Public Advocate sent an urgent message to supporters
and initiated an intensive online campaign in support of President Donald Trump's nomination of Mike Pompeo for Secretary of State.

Delgaudio told supporters in an urgent online and phone message:

"President Trump has chosen pro-Family defender, CIA Director Mike Pompeo, for his pick as Secretary of State.

And the Homosexual Lobby is already gearing up to derail his nomination.

That's because Director Pompeo has openly opposed their radical agenda by supporting pro-Family legislation and publicly denouncing the Homosexual Lobby's radical ways.

.... Director Pompeo was a four-term U.S. House member for Kansas before he became the CIA director under Trump's administration.

And during his time in Congress, he took every opportunity to protect pro-Family Values.

Director Pompeo cosponsored the State Marriage Act in an effort to stop homosexual "marriage" from spreading across America.

He also cosponsored the Marriage and Religious Freedom Act, the precursor to the First Amendment Defense Act, to defend Christian business owners from facing persecution for following their faith.

Director Pompeo even continued to fight for our brave men and women in uniform against the Homosexual Lobby's radical takeover after the Obama administration repealed "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

And those are just a few of the many actions Director Pompeo has taken to defend the Family from the Homosexual Lobby.

For these and other reasons, this is exactly why we need Director Pompeo confirmed as the next Secretary of State -- to defend (religious liberty and) Christian Values, not only in America, but across the world.

End of partial quote of Delgaudio message to supporters.