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"Thank you Senator Chuck Schumer for holding off the confirmation of an openly Gay Ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell. Not one Republican would have the guts to put a hold on an openly homosexual nominee and Public Advocate members know you are the only person with enough hatred for Trump to do the right thing even accidently in this case, but thank you none the less, " says Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate.

"Public Advocate members oppose the appointment of openly homosexual appointees as it is not in the interest of the United States or its citizens to promote the political agenda of a lobby that promotes the demise of traditional one man one woman marriages with a father and mother, worldwide," said Delgaudio.

Public Advocate president Eugene Delgaudio named Chuck Schumer as the Democrat Senator who put a hold on Richard Grenell after learning of the hold in the Washington Times:

(Which) "Democrat is obstructing confirmation on Trump's openly-gay nominee for Ambassador to Germany" (?)

The Washington Times reports:

An intriguing fact about the fate of Richard Grenell, President Trump's nominee for Ambassador to Germany, was revealed Tuesday on the Hugh Hewitt Show.

Hewitt began an interview with Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) with a question on the fate of Grenell's nomination:

Hewitt: Rick Grenell not getting confirmed is an embarrassment. Jens Spahn is going to be the new chancellor, and we don't have an ambassador over there, and Rick is the perfect guy. Would you go to the leader and get that scheduled?

Graham: Yes, I agree with you.

Hewitt: Will you go and ask him to get it scheduled?

Graham: Sure.

Hewitt: 30 hours is not too much to ask to have the most powerful non-nuclear nation in the world have an ambassador. I just can't get over this. Is there a hold on him, Senator Graham?

Graham: Yes, I think so.

Hewitt: And who would be the author of that hold?

Graham: Can't tell you. Don't know. You don't have to disclose them.

Hewitt: And so would you be willing to push for a break in that tradition on that? This is dangerous, actually.

Graham: I'll go to Mitch. Your point is well taken. And one thing you can do is you can push out somebody that has a hold. If you actually bring it to the floor, you smoke them out.