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Gay Threat To Burn Christian Woman Alive Met With Warm Embrace by Liberals

Meeting Community Standard? Facebook Sides With Pro-Homosexual Group That Wants To "Burn... Alive"

Once again, we are left scratching our heads at just what standards Facebook actually has. We know they write a bunch of gobbledygook, through it together and enforce it rather, shall we say, biased?

The latest example of this comes as conservative blogger Elizabeth Johnston, also known as "The Activist Mommy," discovered a group on Facebook that is pro-homosexual that is named, "I will find The Activist Mommy and burn whoever runs it alive."

Right there, isn't that a threat? Isn't it open harassment? Doesn't it imply the desire to murder a woman who has not physically attacked anyone in that group? Any sane, normal person would think so.

But not Facebook.