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Gay Hollywood Doubles Down: Pushes "Blockbuster" glorifying boy rape during Thanksgiving

Even National Review and Drudge Report hail it on their main websites! If you donate to Public Advocate you already know there are "Conservatives" who promote homosexual rape as a normal pursuit.

Lifesite news reports:

"Call Me by Your Name," which opened nationwide Thanksgiving weekend, is about an older man's affair with a 17-year-old boy. And while the movie is garnering rave reviews from urbane elites, their acclamations about the storyline are not quite accurate.

This is not a romantic tale about the awakening of homosexual desire in and between two men: It is a story about a man and boy whose relationship sparks homoeroticism and flirtation, which then turns romantic and carnal.

Summed up in a single word, the movie is about pederasty.

A secondary message is the suggestion that handsome, together, "straight" men and boys can be seduced and recruited.

The film has received high praise from leftist establishments.

"Call Me By Your Name Just Officially Became This Year's Oscars Frontrunner," trumpets a W Magazine headline. Rolling Stone declares it "the most romantic movie of the year" and "an instant classic." The New Yorker calls it an "erotic triumph, emotionally acute and overwhelmingly sensual," and it is hailed by Entertainment Weekly as "gorgeous and intoxicating."

Even National Review, way back in early October, called the movie "a charming gay romance" which "will probably mop up" at the Oscars.