Defending the family

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Original Post September 23, 2017, repost Nov. 14 2017

Note: Eugene Delgaudio as president of Public Advocate has filed two financial disclosures with the Federal Election Commission in endorsing Roy Moore for U.S. Senator. Not authorized by any candidate or committee.

WASHINGTON, Sept. 19, 2017 /Christian Newswire/ -- Eugene Delgaudio, president of Public Advocate is betting on one horse in the Alabama Senate race. "My money is on the horse Roy Moore is riding on and it seems Alabamans also have faith in that horse," says Delgaudio.

Public Advocate of the United States ( has launched a second video in support of Roy Moore.

The video can be seen here: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Roy Moore Rides a Horse to Victory! This youtube video has 25,000 views, 99 per cent from Alabama. (update 53,000+ views)

Public Advocate's first video for Roy Moore had received over 35,000 views (also 99 per cent Alabamians). Its title is "Public Advocate takes a stand with Roy Moore, Defender of True Marriage!"

Public Advocate is using several electronic social platforms to reach 1 million Alabamans by September 26 including emails, Youtube, Twitter, Google+ and Google and even old fashioned direct mail advertising to promote Roy Moore's leadership on religious liberty, defending traditional values and promoting the rule of law all his life.

In addition to the youtube views Public Advocate has several electronic online "landing pages" including this sample page.

No other Alabama political video on Youtube, including videos of Moore's opponent in the Sept. 26 run off, Luther Strange, have received this much attention. While views on Youtube may not mean an favorable vote, it shows the results of online promotions and the percentage response indicates successful results.

Delgaudio said:

"Our social media outreach will bring 100,000 views of our youtube videos which is the strongest political response ever in Alabama state political history. (update: combined video views in Alabama by Alabamians is 70,000+ as of Sept. 22, 2017)

"The Republican establishment doesn't want you to know about these videos and they certainly don't want Judge Roy Moore in the U.S. Senate.

"This is why Alabama's special election to replace Attorney General Jeff Sessions in the U.S. Senate is making national waves!

"That's because there is one man running for the office in Alabama who has shown himself to be a leading pro-family champion.

"Judge Roy Moore is the only pro-family choice for U.S. Senate in Alabama.

"He shocked the establishment when he spoke out against the U.S. Supreme Court's unconstitutional ruling against real marriage laws in America.

"The Establishment is boiling and are spending millions to defeat Roy Moore."

Video can be seen here: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, Roy Moore Rides a Horse to Victory!