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Public Advocate Rally for Neil Gorsuch Conveys Nation's Support for Nominee

Public Advocate president Eugene Delgaudio said today (Monday, April 3rd):

"Public Advocate held a very successful rally last Wednesday in support of Judge Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court.

There is much to report on the actions we as a group took and we are still preparing accounts as news reports continue to pour in. Our goal was to generate interest and enthusiasm, counter protests and support Senators in the fight. All of that was accomplished.

News Accounts still continue to portray the rally in a positive light except for leftist websites that are critics of the grass roots nature of the political street theater we have performed with volunteers for 35 years (over 1,000 volunteers in that time period).



A partial report was sent to supporters by Eugene Delgaudio president of Public Advocate that said in part:

"Neil Gorsuch is the first Supreme Court nominee to have his own choir!"

These words were spoken by Senator Mike Lee (UT) as he started his remarks on Wednesday at Public Advocate's rally to support Judge Neil Gorsuch.

He was of course pointing out Public Advocate's "Confirm Gorsuch Ensemble" that had been singing in front of the U.S. Supreme Court for hours.

In his words, Public Advocate made history!

Demonstrating the class and civility of the pro-Family Movement, my volunteers cheerfully entertained passersby with cleverly written and talentedly sung tunes.

Sen. Chuck Grassley (IA) -- who leads the Judiciary Committee -- stopped to listen to our entire medley with a big grin as he arrived for the press conference Public Advocate set up two weeks ago.

My volunteers sang two classic tunes with new lyrics: "How do you Top a Justice like Scalia?" to the tune of "Maria" from The Sound of Music and "We're Gettin Gorsuch as a Justice" to the tune of "Get Me To The Church On Time" from My Fair Lady.

Thousands of people stopped to enjoy our performance over three hours of marching and singing -- from the Senate Office Buildings to the steps of the Supreme Court......................" end of partial quote from Eugene Delgaudio message.

Hundreds of online posts are on twitter, facebook, social websites, news sites and major media outlets and wire services. Thank you all.

Some Photos posted here:

OTHER Videos posted here: (more later)

To obtain your own Confirm Gorsuch Pennant or Badge: Public Advocate will ship one pennant for each donor who donates $20 until May 1st (limited time offer). Donors must use the contact box on PA's website or write [email protected] to confirm the address you want the pennant to send to. Donate $10 and all $10 donors get a badge. All donors who donate $30 will get both a pennant and badge. But we must have that email to confirm the adddress!