Fox News: Obama DOJ Illegally Funneled BILLIONS to Liberal Activist Groups
The Obama administration funneled billions of dollars to activist organizations through a Department of Justice slush fund scheme, according to congressional investigators.
Findings spearheaded by the House Judiciary Committee point to a process shrouded in secrecy whereby monies were distributed to a labyrinth of nonprofit organizations involved with grass-roots activism.
Mike Huckebee says: "This is a Mafia Shakedown. Somebody should go to jail over this. "
Fox News reports:
"When big banks are sued by the government for discrimination or mortgage abuse, they can settle the cases by donating to third-party non-victims. The settlements do not specify how these third-party groups could use the windfall.
So far, investigators have accounted for $3 billion paid to "non-victim entities." "
Fox news:
"A sample of the left-leaning organizations benefiting from the largesse include the National Council of La Raza, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition and the National Urban League."
Hat tip to Free Republic